Group Exhibition| ABSTRACT STREET ART, Bayonne France
Natural system central, 2016
52×60 inches | 132x153cm
Acrylic on canvas. Finished in satin varnish.
Space Junk Art Centers present:
35 Rue Sainte-Catherine, 64100 Bayonne, France
12/04/2018 – 02/06/2018
JonOne, Futura, Kofie Augustine, Tanc, MadC, Sowat, LX One, Lek
“Abstract Street Art” is a collective exhibition presenting the work of 8 artists.
Abstract art was immediately invited into Street art. Whether reinterpreting the artists of the movement “Abstract Expressionism” after the war or by assuming the technique called “Freestyle”, akin to the work of colorists …
And then, over the years, new forms of abstraction have appeared, each time calling on the history of art: Futurism, Automatic Writing, Optical Art.
Spacejunk invites you to discover in this new original exhibition, the footbridges that street artists have created between the history of painting and the movement of Street art.